Overcoming Afternoon Cravings On Your Fitness Journey

  • 3 min read

Did you know that a surprising 97% of adults say they get food cravings, with many struggling most in the afternoon? Afternoon cravings are a battle for lots of people trying to eat healthy. Just when you think you’re doing well, that urge for a candy bar or bag of chips hits hard.

Why does this happen? Often, it’s because our blood sugar drops in the afternoon, making us feel hungry. Sometimes it’s also because we’re stressed, bored, or tired, and food seems like a quick fix.

The problem is that giving in to these cravings can mess up our diet and exercise plans. It’s not just about one snack — it can become a habit that’s tough to break. But understanding the root causes of why we get these cravings and developing strategies to manage them is crucial if you’re looking to maintain your balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Two Ingredients That Can Rewire Your Cravings

Caffeine and L-Theanine is a powerful combination to help reduce cravings, making it easier to resist the urge to snack. Caffeine is well-known for its ability to boost energy and focus. However, it also has appetite-suppressing properties. By stimulating the central nervous system, caffeine can help reduce feelings of hunger and increase metabolism. This means you can stay energized and focused on your fitness goals without constantly feeling the need to eat.

L-Theanine enhances the positive effects of caffeine while minimizing the downsides such as jitteriness and anxiety. This synergy allows you to enjoy the benefits of caffeine without the usual drawbacks and you can maintain better control over your appetite throughout the day.

Together, Caffeine and L-Theanine work to keep your energy levels stead. This means you’re less likely to reach for a sugary snack when your energy dips. Plus the combo can help you feel more satisfied with what you’ve already eaten, reducing the urge to munch on extra calories.

How Alpha-GPC Can Help Keep You On Track

If you ever feel like your brain’s in a fog when you’re trying to stick to your diet, you need Alpha-GPC. This is a key ingredient that keeps your mind sharp and focused. Alpha-GPC helps boost a chemical called acetylcholine, which is super important for memory and focus. When your mind is clear, you’re better at remembering why you started your health journey in the first place. No more zoning out and reaching for that back of chips without thinking!

But it’s not just about avoiding mindless snacking. Alpha-GPC can help you stay motivated and on track with your fitness goals. When you’re focused, you’re more likely to plan healthy meals, stick to your exercise routine, and make better food choices overall.

And the best part? This mental clarity can spill over into other areas of your life too. You might find yourself more productive at work or better at tackling your to-do list. And when you’re feeling accomplished and in control, you’re way less likely to turn to food for comfort or distraction.

Tips To Stop Afternoon Cravings

Beating afternoon cravings doesn’t have to be a battle. Start by eating balanced meals with plenty of protein and fiber. This combo helps keep you feeling full longer and prevents that mid-afternoon energy crash.

Keep healthy snacks within reach. Stock your fridge with options like Greek yogurt, apple slices with almond butter, or carrot sticks with hummus. When cravings hit, you’ll have something nutritious to eat instead of reaching for sugary, high-calorie options.

Consider adding healthy supplements like NZT-48 into your daily routine as it can be a game-changer in managing those pesky afternoon cravings. Caffeine, L-Theanine, and Alpha-GPC creates a triple threat against hunger pangs and energy slumps.


Afternoon cravings can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But there’s ways to combat these pesky cravings. One effective method is through the use of ingredients like Caffeine, L-Theanine, and Alpha-GPC. Incorporating supplements like NZT-48 which has the best combination of those ingredients can help reduce the intensity and frequency of cravings, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating plan.

To get the most out of NZT-48, try taking it with your first meal of the day. This gives the ingredients time to kick in when you need them most. For those tough days when willpower alone isn’t cutting it, NZT-48 can be the extra support you need to stay on track on your fitness and weight loss journey.