6 Long Term Benefits of Using Nootropics

  • 3 min read

As many of us know, there are several supplements that have to be cycled to maximize benefits and prevent any adaptation by the body. However, when it comes to some nootropics, no cycling is necessary and they can be used long term with additional benefits! This is due to the brain phenomenon known as neuroplasticity which simply refers to the ability of the nervous system to adapt continuously over time. For example, the more you read, the better you get at reading. Same goes for some nootropics! The longer you use them, the better they work! Lets explore some of the benefits of long term nootropic use:

1. Neuroprotection

Ā Antioxidants play a key role in the brain in fighting free radicals. Many nootropic products contain anti-oxidants which can have a long term brain protective effect! Nootropics can also help protect brain cells from various kinds of damage, degradation, and even cognitive decline. Phosphatidylserine for example helps protect brain cell membranes and even helps in the disposal of dying or damaged brain cells! Other nootropics like Lions mane can stimulate Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) which can fortify the brain against damage. Nootropics basically work as a brain shield or force field when taken long term!

2.Ā Neuroregeneration & Long term Brain Health

Nootropics can slow down cognitive decline which occurs with age, repair brain cells, help with cell regrowth, and even act as anti-aging agents! Many nootropics enhance mitochondrial function thereby enhancing brain energy in the long run! Being forgetful is a sign of aging but taking nootropics long term can reduce this brain fog and allow the brain to remember better and clearer. For example, the nootropic herb gingko biloba has been shown to reduce brain fog! L- theanine is another nootropic that can help enhance mental alertness, reaction time, and memory short and long term! It may even improve sleep quality which is important for a clear head and improved learning!

3.Ā  Reduce Cognitive decline and Anti-Aging

Nootropics can slow down cognitive decline which occurs with age, repair brain cells, help with cell regrowth, and even act as anti-aging agents! Many nootropics enhance mitochondrial function thereby enhancing brain energy in the long run! Being forgetful is a sign of aging but taking nootropics long term can reduce this brain fog and allow the brain to remember better and clearer. For example, the nootropic herb gingko biloba has been shown to reduce brain fog! L- theanine is another nootropic that can help enhance mental alertness, reaction time, and memory short and long term! It may even improve sleep quality which is important for a clear head and improved learning!

4. Long Term Memory and Cognition

Many nootropics provide long-term brain benefits in allowing for focus and clearer memory. By protecting the brain with antioxidants, the brain is less damaged and should provide better cognitive performance. And neuroregeneration can speed up the process and optimize our brain performance and memory. Some nootropics like Bacopa Monnieri may be effective for learning rate and memory recall short and long term! Taking Ashwagandha can boost dendrite health and having well functioning dendrites (branches projecting out of neurons) can lead to greater long term memory! The ultimate result of all that is long-term cognitive ability. And thatā€™s the result we should all want. Nootropics can help us get there!

5.Ā Improved Mental Clarity and Focus

There are several ways nootropics can help boost mental focus, clarity, and productivity. One way is optimizing the production of neurotransmitters. For example, the amino acid L-tyrosine can help boost the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine allowing for greater mental acuity short and long term! Neurotransmitters can also increase mental alertness and feeling of well being! Another way nootropics help with mental clarity is increased brain blood flow which leads to increased oxygenation and nutrient delivery to the brain. Nootropics like gingko biloba are notorious for having this powerful brain effect!

6. Better Well-Being

By adjusting the brain wave frequencies to achieve a positive desired state, nootropics can improve mood and well being. They can help regulate neurotransmitters like dopamine which can have a positive effect on well-being and motivation! Nootropics like 5-HTP can boost serotonin levels thereby improving mood and positive mental feeling! Other nootropic acting compounds like Rhodiola Rosea can reduce anxiety and stress levels. As we know, stress is an absolute detriment to overall health and brain function so reducing it is a necessity!